This is more than just a diary, it is a life-planner. Developed with the modern woman in mind, this planner focuses on not only your schedule but goal setting, money management, up-levelling your career and managing your wellbeing.
Created as a special edition collaboration with Collins Debden, it has been designed by women for women in every meticulous detail.
A special edition collaboration with Collins Debden

Weekly Layout (Mon - Sun): Every day has the same space allocated (including weekends) and includes international holidays. There are also boxes for weekly goals and reflection, gratitude and habit tracking
Monthly Calendar: January - December 2024 full-page monthly calendars at the beginning of each month
Monthly Planner: Each month starts with space to set your monthly intention and goals, as well as space for to-dos, reminders and notes
Monthly Check-In: Monthly review pages at the end of each month, allowing you to reflect on your wins and challenges
Yearly Calendar: 2024/2025 calendars and yearly goal-setting pages at the beginning of the planner to see your year at a glance and plan ahead
Money Section:
- January - December 2024 budget trackers
- Savings tracker
- Debt pay-off tracker
- Online shopping tracker
- $1,000 savings challenge
- $10,000 savings challenge
Wellbeing Section:
- Self-care challenge
- Declutter challenge
- Productivity challenge
- Your Bucket List
Career Section:
- Tips to manage stress and burnout at work
- Accomplishments tracker
- Project tracker
Specialised Pages:
- World holidays
- Reference information (weights & measures conversions, international apparel sizes, wedding anniversaries, zodiac signs, birthstones)
- Birthdays & special events tracker
- Lists for thing you want to see, do and try in 2024
Blank Pages: 11 pages (4 lined, 4 grid and 3 blank) to use how you need - note-taking, drawing, list-making etc.
Inspirational Quotes: Quotes to inspire you on each monthly tab divider
Pockets: 2 x clear pockets at the back to keep safe your receipts, notes and anything else collected along the way
Bookmarks: 2 x ribbon bookmarks to keep your place
Stickers: 1 x sticker sheet with 100+ stickers, to customize your diary and make it uniquely yours!
Date: 12 months (January to December 2024)
Format: Week to View (horizontal)
Cover Material: Hard cover (paper-based), with gold foil detailing
Flat Lay Binding: Gold spiral wire binding that makes the planner lie flat for easy writing
Size: B5 (W176mm x H250mm)
Paper: 120gsm FSC-certified off-white paper
Dividers: Grey cardboard monthly dividers with laminated tabs
Elastic: Elastic enclosure to keep everything secure
Bookmarks: 2 x ribbon bookmarks to keep your place
Stickers: 1 sticker sheet with 100+ stickers, to customize your diary and make it uniquely yours!
To purchase a Planner, please click the ‘Shop Now’ button above to be re-directed to the Collins Debden website.
The Planner is sold exclusively by Collins Debden (no purchases can be made via the Smart Women Society website).